Let’s Browse, Shall We?

Here are some articles and videos that have caught my eye recently.

I can never pass up flash mob videos or these type of videos of people playing pianos from all over.  Love them.  And, as always, it makes me want to paint my piano.  Not necessarily Play my piano but it definitely makes me want to paint it 🙂


What children’s books do you love or do your children love?  We love anything by Mo Willems.  This list has quite a few good ones.  I agree with the books by Doreen Cronin and Pete the Cat.  What can I say?  If you haven’t read Pete the Cat….you haven’t lived.

pete the cat



This article reminded me that there is a time and place for everything.  And maybe it is ok that every last piece of lego isn’t picked up every night.  But I still don’t like stepping on them in the dark.


A diy graduation gift idea.  Or just something for yourself.

graduation gift



You’ve got to check out this link.  And I love the last set of photos.  My daughter will probably not grow up to be Cinderella but she will grow up to be herself.  And she will be awesome.  Emily for President–2048

“…set aside the Barbie Dolls and the Disney Princesses for just a moment, and let’s show our girls the REAL women they can be.” 


Along the same lines, 12 things your daughter needs you to say.  And, if you have the time, read the article she wrote first– one thing your daughter doesn’t need you to say.


I read this two nights ago and loved every word of it. loved.  loved loved loved.  I could quote so many parts of this article.  But I won’t.  Just please read it.

Love sleeps in my bed. Curiosity eats at my table. Delight runs laps around my back yard. Exhaustion is a faithful friend. But so is grace.

Love it.


And finally, I’ll leave you with another video.  I posted it on facebook but it deserves a spot on my blog.  Why?  Because it is pure awesomeness.  And in the words of the immortal Kung Fu Panda–There is no charge for awesome.
















One thought on “Let’s Browse, Shall We?

  1. LOVE the piano video. Question: They are obviously joyful by all of their head and shoulder dancing – so why is the expression on their faces so murderous?
    And thanks for the sweet rap and dance video at the end 🙂 I shall now nap with a smile!

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